I am putting away groceries and this is some of what I have bought:
Would your children fight over who gets the most of this? No? Huh... |
This seaweed wrapped rice cracker is our most popular snack next to shrimp chips - yes, that's what I said, Shrimp Chips. |
Lychee I love. They remind me certain people - rough and prickly on the outside, sweet on the inside with a core of steel. We love lychee season. |
This is Ochazuke. My kids will ask for this over French Toast for breakfast. Crazy, right? I don't even know what those long brown things are! I have found it is often best not to ask. This is my son enjoying his lunch today - it's a little hot. He did a happy dance when he found out he was having ochazuke for lunch. In case you were wondering, I had a delish turkey sandwich on whole wheat.
And what is weird is that I know my family will be crazy excited to see all this. They will act like it's Christmas. Like they have entered Nirvana and as long as they have some dried fish heads they will stay there. They love Uwajimaya shopping day. I sadly don't enjoy the seaweed, dried fish heads and most of the fish bits (I have tried so hard but it just isn't in my DNA to appreciate seaweed). In this way I am very alone in my family. I am the only one who melts at the sight of fried okra and deviled eggs and always will be. I accept that (sort of). I find joy in bringing these foods to my family who enjoy them so much. But there eventually comes a time when I experience surreal moments of eating my scrambled eggs in the morning with chopsticks and I find that the need to make the universe right again is overpowering and this is how I do it:
Food of the Gods |
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Nectar of the Gods |
Can I get an Amen?
"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." Joseph Campbell